In my own understanding, i will say that an entrepreneur is a leader that has a vision and is able to make other people see, believe and support the vision also. This vision of course has to be realistic, promising of a better life of value for humanity and beneficial to the people who you are leading. Contrary to the cliche definition of an entrepreneur that he/she is a risk taker in business, I have made emphases on the 'vision' and characteristics of an entrepreneur. You should be ready to take the right risk, understand that there are no quick fixes and just follow the process, good things take time.
The risk you take as an entrepreneure must be that which is founded on your 'vision and service' to the people ad not money making, this is the only true way to be an entrepreneure. Let us not confuse small business with entrepreneurship, small businesses are founded for money making reasons and cannot do anything outside that scope, but an entrepreneure must put his values and principles, service to humanity and vision that is relevant ahead of money.
An entrepreneur is mostly somebody that lives for others and what he believes in, he/she invests a lot of time and other resources in improving himself and then develop a system that continues the process of improving people around him. This culture or legacy would then be the unique selling point that a product or service are built on.
An entrepreneur literally gives a part of himself in every product of service that is later being paid for by the public. You can hardly separate an entrepreneur from his products in the market, since you can only give what you have.

Entrepreneurship is a broad field, you can have an entrepreneur in a medical field, teaching field, IT field, media, agriculture etc. Entrepreneurship is not about what you do, it is about how you do what you do and your vision. Every single great revolution that the world has experienced that has made life better for us all has been a result of entrepreneurship spirits that was used. If it adds value to the people, its entrepreneurship, but if it is only about money making, its small business.
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