It may be of help to share this as I realize that starting up an entrepreneurship journey can be energy consuming, frustrating, tiring and boring, especially when you seem not to have any resources to begin with like my people from the ghetto and the masses. Don't be overwhelmed by all of that, don't let your brokenness trick you to believe that you can not achieve your dreams.
Money is not all you need to start your entrepreneurship journey. In fact, in this journey you will only use money less often because money is used to buy, but you are not buying much here, hey! We are creating! So you are going to need plenty of PASSION.
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. "
-Matthew 6:21 ESV
“Passion is the genesis of genius.” —Tony Robbins
Why do we need passion? What are we creating?
Just like I said in my writing; Who Is An Entrepreneur? A leader who has a vision that promises a better life for humanity, this leader should be able to sell his vision to his team (closest to him) and tell them what they stand to benefit. This leader and his team then develop values and principles based on the vision, and create products and services that is being paid for by the public. Most entrepreneurs are known for their revolutionary products that made the world a better place to live.

So I am saying, starting up as an entrepreneur, you will need a sound, realistic and convincing vision, a team and then products. Through all these journey of life you will encounter lots of difficulties, failure and challenges, how will you become successful without adequate passion for your vision.
What are you passionate about? You will have to do some soul searching to discover yourself to know what you can do to make you happy and you can enjoy doing even when you do not get paid.
Then you need KNOWLEDGE. You will need to invest in yourself by educating yourself in your field of passion. Go to seminars, surf the internet for tutorials, buy books and talk to those who are more experienced in your field or those who you share common interest. The more you know, the better you get till you become a professional or veteran in your field. Knowledge is power.
Then you should build CONTACTS, networking and credibility in your field and have a standard set for yourself that you work so hard to maintain. When you begin your entrepreneurship journey, you have a bright future in front of you but there is a system that is in operation long before you think of your entrepreneurship journey, so you should strife to detect how the system runs, understand it, be a part of it and build your vision, product, principle, values and passion with the full consciousness of the system that runs in your field. You cannot tackle a problem in Nigeria and England the same way simply because there are separate systems running in the two countries. Also, this is not to say that you should accept the status-quo just because of the system, you have your freedom to do your own thing but be sure to be conscious of the system.
With time you will gain more stamina and balance, you may not readily or easily have an opportunity to prove your worth but an opportunity is fast knocking. One opportunity utilized changes your story, you gain trust of the people and start to grow.
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Yours in entrepreneurship,
-Light aka Alli Quadri Olalekan, CEO, Quadoowear
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